Monday 28 July 2008

Sarah McQuade ... who marries Edward Ward, son of Bernard & Agnes

The 1851 Census for Hamilton shows McQuade family living at 78 Castle Street.
John McQuade – Head – Age 30, Labourer – Born Ireland Down
Agnes McQuade – Wife – Age 30, Born Ireland Down
Sarah McQuade – Daughter, age 12 – Born Ireland, Down
Hugh McQuade – Son, age 5 – Born Ireland, Down
John McQuade – Son, age 3 months – Born Hamilton. There is another John listed on the 1861 census at 2 months old. Their first son probably died in infancy
We know that the McQuade’s moved from Ireland between Hugh being born in 1846 and John being born in 1851.

The 1861 Census for Hamilton shows McQuade family living at 33 Castle Street.
John McQuade – Head, age 47. Labourer, Born Ireland
Ann McQuade – Wife, age 42, Born Ireland
Hugh McQuade – Son (Unmarried), age 15
Ann McQuade – Daughter age 8, born Hamilton
John McQuade – Son age 2 mn?
Sarah McQuade – Daughter, age 23 (Unmarried) Born Ireland
Patrick McIlroy – Grandson, age 4 born Hamilton

James Ward – Grandson, age 8 months, born Hamilton

On the same page of the 1861 Census above living at 29 Castle Street are Patrick Gormally, Margaret Gormally and Edward Ward (brother in law).
These are 2 of the children of Bernard and Agnes Ward.
Patrick is the husband of Margaret Ward. Patrick is age 40, born Ireland.
Margaret is age 33.
Edward is Unmarried and age 23 at the time.

Sarah McQuade later married Edward Ward in 1866

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